Hey, You Belong!
I was watching ESPN and saw a player. He had a 3 for 3 kinda day, 100%. And this player is not the biggest or strongest. He is one that came out of nowhere, a couple of years ago, and yet here he is…still producing…still belonging.
Where do you think that came from? How do you think he still can maintain an excellence that allows him to stay in the big leagues, when he is just a wee little fella?
See, there is a fight in him…a belief system…a hunger. He knows without a shadow of a doubt that he belongs. He has settled it from within, whether that was a few years ago or as a young child. He got to a point that he saw himself as more than worthy to hang with the big dogs. And then when the right time comes, all the years of preparation…participating…and producing, the call will come upon him to lead.
He is a man upon men. He is now becoming the Biblical David, having continual victory against his Goliaths. He faces his giants and does not back down. He takes on the shouts of insults and advances forward, to whom he sees himself being. He is his master of his destiny and success. He will not be told no and will not be stopped from acheiving his standards of excellence. He is now a wolf amongst sheep.
Now who are you? How do you see yourself? what giants do you need to shout back at and advance with a voice of TRIUMPH?! When will you have enough and say, “NO MORE!”? No more cowing down to intimidation and to fears. When will you move past pains? When will you RISE up and begin to get in the game? When will you fight back, and WIN?!