4 Basic Building Blocks to Personal Success
It is essential, for any success, whether it be, for personal, or business, that you need a game plan. I can remember when I was 10, my father and mother desired to build a house. Now I believe they had this dream for some time, and they needed to set out a game plan, to make this happen. It was exciting, through the eyes, of a child, to watch this take place. I was there, from the time they took the first scoop of dirt, to when we walked in the completed work. It was exciting to see a dream come to reality. Now let us dream together and begin, to understand your personal success, is based upon your tactical application, of these 4 basic building blocks. Sure there could always be more added, yet let us take baby steps and perfect; Setting up a Clear Vision, Creating your Strategy, Understanding Resource Aids, and Being Disciplined in your System.
Setting up a Clear Vision, is key to any kind of success. Vision can be tricky, it can cause you to feel overwhelmed, for many visions, of your success / dreams / goals, are HUGE. You wonder how in the world could someone, like yourself, can create and do, what it is you desire. Well let’s just say, you can, and you will, if you determine to start and NOT quit. First thing is first, start writing it out, be sloppy, meaning write it all out, rabbit trails and all, then begin to dissect it and prioritize. Never be afraid to seek help on this. Create a team, and on your team, you can have someone, to help you organize your vision. For example, here is a great site that shares in detail of how to create your personal vision statement: https://www.thebalance.com/create-your-personal-vision-statement-1919208. This is an excellent example, of using other people as resources to help accomplish your goal. When you have accomplished this, you are well on your way to greater success. This will help you understand what kind of strategies you will be in need of.
Creating your Strategy will empower you now and strengthen your sustainability in the future. Just as my father and mother envisioned their new home, they talked it out, saved up money, set up the mortgage, spoke with the builder, okayed a blue print, and walked out their dream. Your clear vision will help you understand what is needed. Watch how accomplishing your first building block will empower your actions. Setting up your strategy will take time. Don’t rush it! This is pivatol to your success, for one wrong move can cost you time, money, and possibly friendships. Be strategic, picky, and confidant, in your decisions. When creating your strategy seek out guidance, and follow your gut instincts, for you are the one, that makes the final decisions. You will find, in breaking this down, you can come up with many alternative action plans, this goes back to being strategic, picky, and confident, choose one and GO FOT IT! For example, I live in TN and want to go to California for vacation, I set out a game plan to go, there are many ways to go, train, plane, and automobile. I choose which one is best for me…and GO FOR IT! If you’re anything like me, you are going to want to keep this simple. The K.I.S.S. (Keep It Super Simple) principle. This has the power to limit your stress, free your mind, and allow you to have fun. On this amazing journey, of your personal success, you will need help. Nothing is wrong with that at all. You will learn the power of how to understand resource aids.
Understanding resource aides can help you along your personal success. Resources are as follows; people, time, money, and assets. Use these carefully. My parents needed all of these resources, to help them secure their dream. In your personal maturity of your success, these are essential to accomplish much. Now what is it you do with them? You value and leverage them. In your personal vision, you will see how in order to create greater, you will need the help. Let’s say, in your personal vision statement, you understand the power of creating a legacy. And in your legacy, you understand to impact generations to come that you will need so much more than what you have. And it is in these resources where the legacy will take flight. When you come to value and leverage these resources, you will learn, they are always available to assist you on your journey. Please respect, be of good character, and always remain thankful for the resources. They will always bless you. Now we all know people are fickle, so be smart. It is vitally important that you stay disciplined.
The Oriental culture has mastered the power of discipline. They have learned that when perfecting anything, there is a system that needs to be practiced over and over with a determined discipline. For your passion and your pursuit of excellence in your personal success, it is imperative that you create a disciplined system. Systems drive this world. I work for VW and it is systems that drive the success we have in building and selling our automobiles. I learn each day how my discipline is key to the success of my quality (as well as speed for the work I do). There is a system to my job, and if I get out of order, I miss items and problems can arise. I have found the power of sustaining the disciplined system of my job. It helps minimize the mistakes and perfect my efforts. This 4th building block will ensure greater personal success.
I am excited to have shared these 4 basic building blocks to YOUR personal success. I know, without a shadow of doubt, when you apply these into your daily life (in time) you will see your life take a path of greater success. I guarantee you will begin changing your world. Success will become a norm, your dreams will become a reality, and your self-confidence will be at an all-time high. My friends this world is yours for the taking. It just takes a game plan and a pit bull determination. Once you choose to bite down on your personal success, you don’t let go until it is accomplished. There was no greater joy for me as a child, as when I was able to see the smiles on my parents face when they saw their hard work, sacrifice, and vision, become a reality. Years later, I drove through the neighborhood only to see then that the vision I heard my dad speak of, hearing his words of what he saw, was picture perfect. You got this. Your personal success will take hard work, sacrifice, and that clear vision to get the ball rolling. It will be your creative strategy, working your resources, and staying disciplined to your system, that will secure your personal success.