Helping to provide resources to build SUCCESSFUL LIVES!!!

Make me certifiable!

John Maxwell Leadership
Certification Program

Support The Vision

Dear Family & Friends, I NEED YOU!

Truly, I need your financial support, might as well get down to brass taxes. I am embarking on an amazing adventure. is gaining interest, and I have had many calls and messages from friends I have not heard from in years. They are excited to see me be me.  They have been a HUGE inspiration and encouragement. They also have made the same comments, when our conversation comes to an end, that they feel better after talking with me. This world, as you and I know, has it’s fair share of challenges, and I feel it is time to get busy helping more. Will you help fulfill a part of my dream?

Where there is vision there is provision. I am working hard these days, I have been doing well and each day doing better. This dream needs a little push. Can you help me push this finacial boulder up the hill?  My desire is to make it to Orlando, for the Live training event on August 26-28, 2017. I am needing to raise $1500 by May 1. The total for this program is $4997. And I would need to make 3 installment payments of $1165.66. Phew…that’s a heavy financial boulder and challenge.

Let’s learn a bit of John Maxwell. He was named the No. 1 leadership and management expert in the world by Inc. Magazine. He has written many leadership books, such as: The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Developing the Leader Within You, and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader. He has a remarkable leadership program, that gives me the opportunity to partner up with him, as well as become a certified life coach. My ambition is to lead. He can help.

Here is some more info on this amazing program. This program has many components that I will be able to draw from to make a giant impact as an agent of transformation adding value to others, as well as to myself. Additionally, the John Maxwell affiliation, will take me over the top with what I have to offer and with what the program provides. I will learn personally from John himself and hold a license to much of his work. The programs are written, the PowerPoint’s are done, the workbooks are there for my use and the business model has been proven successful by John. He and his team will value and equip me to gain more influence, more effectiveness, more reach and more business.

They deliver this program through:

  • Live Calls
  • Online Platform (Resource Website / University)
  • 3 Day LIVE Training Event (With John, the faculty, new team members, and alumni)
  • Ongoing Support and Learning

Thank you so much for your consideration and support.

Russell Brown